Meaning of વિસર્જન in English
- To beat, pound, or together.
- To bruise; to injure or disorganize a part without breaking the skin.
- A blowing apart or away.
- Privation of life.
- The state of being disanimated or discouraged; depression of spirits.
- Act of disbarring.
- of Discharge
- Failure or refusal to comply; noncompliance.
- Disjoined; separated.
- Having the head, thorax, and abdomen separated by a deep constriction.
- To free from the bonds of marriage; to divorce.
- Want of resemblance; dissimilitude.
- The act or art of dissembling; dissimulation.
- of Dissemble
- That dissembles; hypocritical; false.
- The act of bursting or springing apart.
- The act of making dissimilar.
- The act of dissembling; a hiding under a false appearance; concealment by feigning; false pretension; hypocrisy.
- With nerves unstrung; weak.
- Loosed from restraint; esp., loose in morals and conduct; recklessly abandoned to sensual pleasures; profligate; wanton; lewd; debauched.
- State or quality of being dissolute; looseness of morals and manners; addictedness to sinful pleasures; debauchery; dissipation.
- The act of dissolving, sundering, or separating into component parts; separation.
- Change from a solid to a fluid state; solution by heat or moisture; liquefaction; melting.
- Change of form by chemical agency; decomposition; resolution.
- The dispersion of an assembly by terminating its sessions; the breaking up of a partnership.
- The extinction of life in the human body; separation of the soul from the body; death.
- The state of being dissolved, or of undergoing liquefaction.
- The new product formed by dissolving a body; a solution.
- Destruction of anything by the separation of its parts; ruin.
- Corruption of morals; dissipation; dissoluteness.
- To separate; to sunder; to destroy.
- Alt. of Excambium
- Alt. of Excambie
- A growing hot; a white or glowing heat; incandescence.
- Violent anger; a growing angry.
- The act of excoriating or flaying, or state of being excoriated, or stripped of the skin; abrasion.
- Stripping of possession; spoliation.
- Matter excreted and ejected; that which is excreted or cast out of the animal body by any of the natural emunctories; especially, alvine, discharges; dung; ordure.
- An excrescence or appendage; an outgrowth.
- Of or pertaining to excrement.
- Alt. of Excrementitious
- Matters to be excreted.
- of Excrete
- The act of excreting.
- That which is excreted; excrement.
- A gallery in a church, where persons watched all night.
- The act of expunging or erasing; the condition of being expunged.
- of Expurgate
- Serving to purify from anything noxious or erroneous; cleansing; purifying.
- of Extirpate
- Extirpative.
- See Dunnage.
Meaning of વિસર્જન in English
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