Meaning of વાસ્તવિકતા in English
- of Actuality
- The state of being actual; reality; as, the actuality of God's nature.
- A making actual or really existent.
- To make actual; to realize in action.
- Quality of being actual; actuality.
- Tendency or impulse to act.
- As opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that genera and species are real things or entities, existing independently of our conceptions. According to realism the Universal exists ante rem (Plato), or in re (Aristotle).
- As opposed to idealism, the doctrine that in sense perception there is an immediate cognition of the external object, and our knowledge of it is not mediate and representative.
- Fidelity to nature or to real life; representation without idealization, and making no appeal to the imagination; adherence to the actual fact.
- The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact.
- That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea.
- Loyalty; devotion.
- See 2d Realty, 2.
- To allege again.
- The quality or condition of being real; reality.
- Royalty.
- Loyalty; faithfulness.
- Reality.
- Immobility, or the fixed, permanent nature of real property; as, chattels which savor of the realty; -- so written in legal language for reality.
- Real estate; a piece of real property.
Meaning of વાસ્તવિકતા in English
English usage of વાસ્તવિકતા
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