Meaning of ઘૂસણખોરી in English
- of Infilter
- To enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a substance; to filter into or through something.
- To penetrate gradually; -- sometimes used reflexively.
- of Infiltrate
- The act or process of infiltrating, as if water into a porous substance, or of a fluid into the cells of an organ or part of the body.
- The substance which has entered the pores or cavities of a body.
- The act of infolding; the state of being infolded.
- The act of sending in or of putting in; insertion.
- The act of letting go in; admission.
- An intermeddling with the affairs of another, either on legal grounds or without authority.
- of Intrude
- Same as Intrusive.
- The act of intruding, or of forcing in; especially, the forcing (one's self) into a place without right or welcome; encroachment.
- The penetrating of one rock, while in a plastic or metal state, into the cavities of another.
- The entry of a stranger, after a particular estate or freehold is determined, before the person who holds in remainder or reversion has taken possession.
- The settlement of a minister over 3 congregation without their consent.
- To deliver (something) to another in trust; to deliver to (another) something in trust; to commit or surrender (something) to another with a certain confidence regarding his care, use, or disposal of it; as, to intrust a servant with one's money or intrust money or goods to a servant.
Meaning of ઘૂસણખોરી in English
English usage of ઘૂસણખોરી
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