Meaning of অবিশ্বাসী in English
- One who disbelieves, or refuses belief; an unbeliever. Specifically, one who does not believe the Christian religion.
- One who doubts; one whose opinion is unsettled; one who scruples.
- Not holding the faith; -- applied esp. to one who does not believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the supernatural origin of Christianity.
- One who does not believe in the prevailing religious faith; especially, one who does not believe in the divine origin and authority of Christianity; a Mohammedan; a heathen; a freethinker.
- One who believes wrongly; one who holds a false religion.
- Not believed; disbelieved.
- One who does not believe; an incredulous person; a doubter; a skeptic.
- A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person; an infidel; a freethinker.
- Not believing; incredulous; doubting; distrusting; skeptical.
- Believing the thing alleged no to be true; disbelieving; especially, believing that Bible is not a divine revelation, or that Christ was not a divine or a supernatural person.
Meaning of অবিশ্বাসী in English
English usage of অবিশ্বাসী
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