Meaning of सहज in English
- In an instinctive manner; by force of instinct; by natural impulse.
- In an intuitive manner.
- Without ease.
- With ease; without difficulty or much effort; as, this task may be easily performed; that event might have been easily foreseen.
- Without pain, anxiety, or disturbance; as, to pass life well and easily.
- Readily; without reluctance; willingly.
- Smoothly; quietly; gently; gracefully; without /umult or discord.
- Without shaking or jolting; commodiously; as, a carriage moves easily.
- Moving easily; hence, mild-tempered; ease-loving; inactive.
- Making no effort.
- Easy to be done or performed: not difficult; performable or attainable with little labor.
- Easy to be surmounted or removed; easily conquerable; readily mastered.
- Easy of access or converse; mild; courteous; not haughty, austere, or distant; affable; complaisant.
- Easily persuaded to good or bad; yielding; ductile to a fault; pliant; flexible.
- Ready; quick; expert; as, he is facile in expedients; he wields a facile pen.
- Of or pertaining to instinct; derived from, or prompted by, instinct; of the nature of instinct; determined by natural impulse or propensity; acting or produced without reasoning, deliberation, instruction, or experience; spontaneous.
Meaning of सहज in English
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