Meaning of संकुचित in English
- of Compact
- of Contract
- Drawn together; shrunken; wrinkled; narrow; as, a contracted brow; a contracted noun.
- Narrow; illiberal; selfish; as, a contracted mind; contracted views.
- Bargained for; betrothed; as, a contracted peace.
- of Narrow
- of Compass
- Rounded; arched.
- of Compress
- Pressed together; compacted; reduced in volume by pressure.
- Flattened lengthwise.
- Capable of being pressed together or forced into a narrower compass, as an elastic or spongy substance.
- Compressing, or having power or tendency to compress; as, a compressive force.
- Compression.
- of Concrete
- To draw together; to render narrower or smaller; to bind; to cramp; to contract or cause to shrink.
- of Constrict
- Drawn together; bound; contracted; cramped.
- Contracted or compressed so as to be smaller in certain places or parts than in others.
- Serving or tending to bind or constrict.
- of Constringe
- Twisted, or twisted together.
- Twisted back upon itself, as some parts of plants.
- Arranged so as to overlap each other; as, petals in contorted or convolute aestivation.
- tending to contract; having the power or property of contracting, or of shrinking into shorter or smaller dimensions; as, the contractile tissues.
- Tending to contract; having the property or power or power of contracting.
- Pertaining to, or according to the rules of, counterpoint.
- Not compressible; incapable of being reduced by force or pressure into a smaller compass or volume; resisting compression; as, many liquids and solids appear to be almost incompressible.
- of Infract
- One who, or that which, narrows or contracts.
- Compressed or flattened antero-posteriorly, or in a way opposite to the usual one.
- imp. of Shrink.
- of Shrink
- To wrinkle, bend, or curl; to shrivel; hence, to contract into a less extent or compass; to gather together; to become compacted.
- To withdraw or retire, as from danger; to decline action from fear; to recoil, as in fear, horror, or distress.
- To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body, or part of it; to shudder; to quake.
- To cause to contract or shrink; as, to shrink finnel by imersing it in boiling water.
- To draw back; to withdraw.
- The act shrinking; shrinkage; contraction; also, recoil; withdrawal.
- of Shrug
- p. p. & a. from Shrink.
Meaning of संकुचित in English
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