Meaning of शतक in English
- The absence or suppression of the essential organs (stamens and pistil) in a flower.
- A weight of one hundred pounds avoirdupois; -- called in many parts of the United States a Hundredweight.
- Relating to a hundred.
- A gentianaceous plant not fully identified. The name is usually given to the Erytheraea Centaurium and the Chlora perfoliata of Europe, but is also extended to the whole genus Sabbatia, and even to the unrelated Centaurea.
- The office of a centumvir, or of the centumviri.
- Hundredfold.
- To increase a hundredfold.
- of Centuplicate
- Of or pertaining to a century; as, a centurial sermon.
- A military officer who commanded a minor division of the Roman army; a captain of a century.
- A hundred; as, a century of sonnets; an aggregate of a hundred things.
- A period of a hundred years; as, this event took place over two centuries ago.
- A division of the Roman people formed according to their property, for the purpose of voting for civil officers.
- One of sixty companies into which a legion of the army was divided. It was Commanded by a centurion.
Meaning of शतक in English
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