Meaning of लागू in English
- of Apply
- To lay or place; to put or adjust (one thing to another); -- with to; as, to apply the hand to the breast; to apply medicaments to a diseased part of the body.
- To put to use; to use or employ for a particular purpose, or in a particular case; to appropriate; to devote; as, to apply money to the payment of a debt.
- To make use of, declare, or pronounce, as suitable, fitting, or relative; as, to apply the testimony to the case; to apply an epithet to a person.
- To fix closely; to engage and employ diligently, or with attention; to attach; to incline.
- To direct or address.
- To betake; to address; to refer; -- used reflexively.
- To busy; to keep at work; to ply.
- To visit.
- To suit; to agree; to have some connection, agreement, or analogy; as, this argument applies well to the case.
- To make request; to have recourse with a view to gain something; to make application. (to); to solicit; as, to apply to a friend for information.
- To ply; to move.
- To apply or address one's self; to give application; to attend closely (to).
- of Ensue
- That which fulfills or supplies a want or use; esp., an instrument, toll, or utensil, as supplying a requisite to an end; as, the implements of trade, of husbandry, or of war.
- To accomplish; to fulfill.
- To provide with an implement or implements; to cause to be fulfilled, satisfied, or carried out, by means of an implement or implements.
- To fulfill or perform, as a contract or an engagement.
- of Invoke
- Capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance; as, this observation is applicable to the case under consideration.
- By application.
Meaning of लागू in English
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