Meaning of लबाडीचा in English
- Supplemental; additional; adventitious; ascititious.
- Supplemental; not inherent or original; adscititious; additional; assumed.
- Abashed; daunted; dismayed.
- Very modest, or modest excess; constitutionally disposed to shrink from public notice; indicating extreme or excessive modesty; shy; as, a bashful person, action, expression.
- a Brazen-faced; impudent; bold.
- Shutting; confining; drawing together; as, a claudent muscle.
- Limping.
- Abounding in cresses.
- A person easily deceived, tricked, or imposed on; a mean dupe; a gull.
- To trick, cheat, or impose on; to deceive.
- Composed of, or having, two parts of each kind.
- Inducing to vomit; producing vomiting; emetic.
- Embodying or pertaining to a fallacy; illogical; fitted to deceive; misleading; delusive; as, fallacious arguments or reasoning.
- A female foal or colt; a young mare. Cf. Colt, Foal.
- A lively, spirited young girl.
- Lowing; bellowing.
- Excessive; extravagant; inordinate.
- Applauding; manifesting praise.
- Plausible, specious.
- Having pluck or courage; characterized by pluck; displaying pluck; courageous; spirited; as, a plucky race.
- Pert; petulant; forward; saucy.
- One of the rabble; a low, common sort of person or creature; collectively, the rabble; the common herd; also, a lean, ill-conditioned beast, esp. a deer.
- A mean, trickish fellow; a base, dishonest person; a rogue; a scoundrel; a trickster.
- Of or pertaining to the common herd or common people; low; mean; base.
- Having a ridge or ridges; rising in a ridge.
- Robust.
- Sandy; gritty.
- Of or like a scamp; knavish; as, scampish conduct.
- Of or pertaining to scandium; derived from, or containing, scandium.
- Diligent in application or pursuit; constant, steady, and persevering in business, or in endeavors to effect an object; steadily industrious; assiduous; as, the sedulous bee.
- Resembling shale in structure.
- The chamois.
- A soft, pliant leather, prepared originally from the skin of the chamois, but now made also from the skin of the sheep, goat, kid, deer, and calf. See Shamoying.
- A chemise.
- Done by stealth; accomplished clandestinely; unperceived; secret; furtive; sly.
- Having, or abounding with, stars.
- Alt. of Subaqueous
- Producing tabes; wasting; tabefying.
- Resembling the Talmud; Talmudic.
Meaning of लबाडीचा in English
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