Meaning of बाड़ in English
- That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield.
- An inclosure about a field or other space, or about any object; especially, an inclosing structure of wood, iron, or other material, intended to prevent intrusion from without or straying from within.
- A projection on the bolt, which passes through the tumbler gates in locking and unlocking.
- Self-defense by the use of the sword; the art and practice of fencing and sword play; hence, skill in debate and repartee. See Fencing.
- A receiver of stolen goods, or a place where they are received.
- To fend off danger from; to give security to; to protect; to guard.
- To inclose with a fence or other protection; to secure by an inclosure.
- To make a defense; to guard one's self of anything, as against an attack; to give protection or security, as by a fence.
- To practice the art of attack and defense with the sword or with the foil, esp. with the smallsword, using the point only.
- Hence, to fight or dispute in the manner of fencers, that is, by thrusting, guarding, parrying, etc.
Meaning of बाड़ in English
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Note :- यदि आप इस गीत को व्यापारिक तौर पर रिलीज करना चाहते हैं तो कर सकते है परंतु हमारी अनुमति लेने के बाद । हमारी अनुमति अनिवार्य है । धन्यवाद 🙏
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