Meaning of बहाना in English
- Poured out freely; profuse.
- Disposed to pour out freely; prodigal.
- Spreading loosely, especially on one side; as, an effuse inflorescence.
- Having the lips, or edges, of the aperture abruptly spreading; -- said of certain shells.
- Effusion; loss.
- To pour out like a stream or freely; to cause to exude; to shed.
- To emanate; to issue.
- of Effuse
- To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or blame; to clear from guilt; to release from a charge; to justify by extenuating a fault; to exculpate; to absolve; to acquit.
- To pardon, as a fault; to forgive entirely, or to admit to be little censurable, and to overlook; as, we excuse irregular conduct, when extraordinary circumstances appear to justify it.
- To regard with indulgence; to view leniently or to overlook; to pardon.
- To free from an impending obligation or duty; hence, to disengage; to dispense with; to release by favor; also, to remit by favor; not to exact; as, to excuse a forfeiture.
- To relieve of an imputation by apology or defense; to make apology for as not seriously evil; to ask pardon or indulgence for.
- The act of excusing, apologizing, exculpating, pardoning, releasing, and the like; acquittal; release; absolution; justification; extenuation.
- That which is offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or irregular deportment; apology; as, an excuse for neglect of duty; excuses for delay of payment.
- That which excuses; that which extenuates or justifies a fault.
- See Eyewater.
- Ostensible reason or motive assigned or assumed as a color or cover for the real reason or motive; pretense; disguise.
- A slight or temporary structure built to shade or shelter something; a structure usually open in front; an outbuilding; a hut; as, a wagon shed; a wood shed.
- of Shed
- To separate; to divide.
- To part with; to throw off or give forth from one's self; to emit; to diffuse; to cause to emanate or flow; to pour forth or out; to spill; as, the sun sheds light; she shed tears; the clouds shed rain.
- To let fall; to throw off, as a natural covering of hair, feathers, shell; to cast; as, fowls shed their feathers; serpents shed their skins; trees shed leaves.
- To cause to flow off without penetrating; as, a tight roof, or covering of oiled cloth, sheeds water.
- To sprinkle; to intersperse; to cover.
- To divide, as the warp threads, so as to form a shed, or passageway, for the shuttle.
- To fall in drops; to pour.
- To let fall the parts, as seeds or fruit; to throw off a covering or envelope.
- A parting; a separation; a division.
- The act of shedding or spilling; -- used only in composition, as in bloodshed.
- That which parts, divides, or sheds; -- used in composition, as in watershed.
- The passageway between the threads of the warp through which the shuttle is thrown, having a sloping top and bottom made by raising and lowering the alternate threads.
- A likeness; a semblance; a mock appearance; a sham; -- now usually in a derogatory sense.
- of Slop
Meaning of बहाना in English
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✍️Author Munna Prajapati
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नोट:- यदि आप इस गीत को व्यापारिक तौर पर रिकॉर्ड करके रिलीज करना चाहते हैं तो कर सकतें हैं परंतु हमारी अनुमति लेने के बाद, हमारी अनुमति अनिवार्य है । और भी किसी भी तरह के गीतों के लिए संपर्क करें । धन्यवाद🙏
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✍️ Author Munna Prajapati
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