Meaning of प्रतिक्रिया in English
- The distance through which one part of connected machinery, as a wheel, piston, or screw, can be moved without moving the connected parts, resulting from looseness in fitting or from wear; also, the jarring or reflex motion caused in badly fitting machinery by irregularities in velocity or a reverse of motion.
- To act in opposition to; to hinder, defeat, or frustrate, by contrary agency or influence; as, to counteract the effect of medicines; to counteract good advice.
- Resistance; opposition; a stand against.
- To act or perform a second time; to do over again; as, to react a play; the same scenes were reacted at Rome.
- To return an impulse or impression; to resist the action of another body by an opposite force; as, every body reacts on the body that impels it from its natural state.
- To act upon each other; to exercise a reciprocal or a reverse effect, as two or more chemical agents; to act in opposition.
- Any action in resisting other action or force; counter tendency; movement in a contrary direction; reverse action.
- The mutual or reciprocal action of chemical agents upon each other, or the action upon such chemical agents of some form of energy, as heat, light, or electricity, resulting in a chemical change in one or more of these agents, with the production of new compounds or the manifestation of distinctive characters. See Blowpipe reaction, Flame reaction, under Blowpipe, and Flame.
- An action induced by vital resistance to some other action; depression or exhaustion of vital force consequent on overexertion or overstimulation; heightened activity and overaction succeeding depression or shock.
- The force which a body subjected to the action of a force from another body exerts upon the latter body in the opposite direction.
- Backward tendency or movement after revolution, reform, or great progress in any direction.
- The act of driving back, or the state of being driven back; reflection; reverberation; as, the repercussion of sound.
- Rapid reiteration of the same sound.
- The subsidence of a tumor or eruption by the action of a repellent.
- In a vaginal examination, the act of imparting through the uterine wall with the finger a shock to the fetus, so that it bounds upward, and falls back again against the examining finger.
- The act of responding.
- An answer or reply.
- Reply to an objection in formal disputation.
- The answer of the people or congregation to the priest or clergyman, in the litany and other parts of divine service.
- A kind of anthem sung after the lessons of matins and some other parts of the office.
- A repetition of the given subject in a fugue by another part on the fifth above or fourth below.
- To accuse again.
Meaning of प्रतिक्रिया in English
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