Meaning of परिणाम in English
- A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season; rowen.
- That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause; a result.
- A proposition collected from the agreement of other previous propositions; any conclusion which results from reason or argument; inference.
- Chain of causes and effects; consecution.
- Importance with respect to what comes after; power to influence or produce an effect; value; moment; rank; distinction.
- That which is given beyond what is actually due, as a garland of flowers in addition to wages; surplus; something added or superfluous.
- Something which follows from the demonstration of a proposition; an additional inference or deduction from a demonstrated proposition; a consequence.
- That which comes out of, or follows from, something else; issue; result; consequence; upshot.
- That which grows out of, or proceeds from, anything; an excrescence; an offshoot; hence, a result or consequence.
- To leap back; to rebound.
- To come out, or have an issue; to terminate; to have consequences; -- followed by in; as, this measure will result in good or in evil.
- To proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances, consultation, thought, or endeavor.
- A flying back; resilience.
- That which results; the conclusion or end to which any course or condition of things leads, or which is obtained by any process or operation; consequence or effect; as, the result of a course of action; the result of a mathematical operation.
- The decision or determination of a council or deliberative assembly; a resolve; a decree.
- That which follows; a succeeding part; continuation; as, the sequel of a man's advantures or history.
- Consequence; event; effect; result; as, let the sun cease, fail, or swerve, and the sequel would be ruin.
- Conclusion; inference.
- Final issue; conclusion; the sum and substance; the end; the result; the consummation.
- To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon.
- To influence or move, as the feelings or passions; to touch.
- To love; to regard with affection.
- To show a fondness for; to like to use or practice; to choose; hence, to frequent habitually.
- To dispose or incline.
- To aim at; to aspire; to covet.
- To tend to by affinity or disposition.
- To make a show of; to put on a pretense of; to feign; to assume; as, to affect ignorance.
- To assign; to appoint.
- Affection; inclination; passion; feeling; disposition.
- An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false display; artificial show.
- A striving after.
- Fondness; affection.
- Affectation.
- Execution; performance; realization; operation; as, the law goes into effect in May.
- Manifestation; expression; sign.
- In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause; the event which follows immediately from an antecedent, called the cause; result; consequence; outcome; fruit; as, the effect of luxury.
- Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.
- Power to produce results; efficiency; force; importance; account; as, to speak with effect.
- Consequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; -- with to.
- The purport; the sum and substance.
- Reality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere appearance.
- Goods; movables; personal estate; -- sometimes used to embrace real as well as personal property; as, the people escaped from the town with their effects.
- To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be.
- To bring to pass; to execute; to enforce; to achieve; to accomplish.
- To bring to pass; to effect; to achieve; to accomplish; to fulfill.
- To drive close; to press firmly together: to wedge into a place.
- Contact or impression by touch; collision; forcible contact; force communicated.
- The single instantaneous stroke of a body in motion against another either in motion or at rest.
- of Impact
- The driving of one fragment of bone into another so that the fragments are not movable upon each other; as, impaction of the skull or of the hip.
- An immovable packing; (Med.), a lodgment of something in a strait or passage of the body; as, impaction of the fetal head in the strait of the pelvis; impaction of food or feces in the intestines of man or beast.
- State or quality of being implicit.
- Implicitness.
- The act of resulting; that which results; a result.
- of Result
Meaning of परिणाम in English
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