Meaning of निष्ठा in English
- The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to one's king, government, or state.
- Devotion; loyalty; as, allegiance to science.
- The act of setting apart or consecrating to a divine Being, or to a sacred use, often with religious solemnities; solemn appropriation; as, the dedication of Solomon's temple.
- A devoting or setting aside for any particular purpose; as, a dedication of lands to public use.
- An address to a patron or friend, prefixed to a book, testifying respect, and often recommending the work to his special protection and favor.
- Fidelity to one's lord; the feudal obligation by which the tenant or vassal was bound to be faithful to his lord; the special oath by which this obligation was assumed; fidelity to a superior power, or to a government; loyality. It is no longer the practice to exact the performance of fealty, as a feudal obligation.
- Fidelity; constancy; faithfulness, as of a friend to a friend, or of a wife to her husband.
- The connection between sovereign and subject by which they were mutually bound, the former to protection and the securing of justice, the latter to faithful service; allegiance.
- The state or quality of being loyal; fidelity to a superior, or to duty, love, etc.
- The state or quality of being adherent; adherence.
- That which adheres.
- A right formerly claimed by the states of the German Empire of joining their own ministers with those of the emperor in public treaties and negotiations to the common interest of the empire.
- Pertaining to admission.
- Alt. of Berserker
- Loyalty.
- The act of pleasing highly; the state of being greatly pleased; delight.
Meaning of निष्ठा in English
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