Meaning of उत्कृष्ट in English
- of Excel
- In an excellent manner; well in a high degree.
- In a high or superior degree; -- in this literal use, not implying worthiness.
- Very excellent; superior or supreme in excellence; surpassing others; as, transcendent worth; transcendent valor.
- Transcending, or reaching beyond, the limits of human knowledge; -- applied to affirmations and speculations concerning what lies beyond the reach of the human intellect.
- To set or adorn, as with studs or bosses; to set thickly; to stud; as, to bestud with stars.
- Having no albumen about the embryo; -- said of certain seeds.
- Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action.
- Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality; -- used with words of a bad significance.
- Excellently; eminently; exceedingly.
- More lofty; still higher; ever upward.
- A kind of stuffing for upholstered furniture, mattresses, etc., in which curled shreds of wood are substituted for curled hair.
- Carefully selected or sought out; hence, of distinguishing and surpassing quality; exceedingly nice; delightfully excellent; giving rare satisfaction; as, exquisite workmanship.
- Exceeding; extreme; keen; -- used in a bad or a good sense; as, exquisite pain or pleasure.
- Of delicate perception or close and accurate discrimination; not easy to satisfy; exact; nice; fastidious; as, exquisite judgment, taste, or discernment.
- One who manifests an exquisite attention to external appearance; one who is overnice in dress or ornament; a fop; a dandy.
- See Exsuccous.
- Not martial; unwarlike.
- Masterly.
- The full moon.
- A kind of blowgun for discharging arrows, -- used by the savages of Borneo and adjacent islands.
- A prefix signifying above, over, beyond, and hence often denoting in a superior position, in excess, over and above, in addition, exceedingly; as in superimpose, supersede, supernatural, superabundance.
- A prefix formerly much used to denote that the ingredient to the name of which it was prefixed was present in a large, or unusually large, proportion as compared with the other ingredients; as in calcium superphosphate. It has been superseded by per-, bi-, di-, acid, etc. (as peroxide, bicarbonate, disulphide, and acid sulphate), which retain the old meanings of super-, but with sharper definition. Cf. Acid, a., Bi-, Di-, and Per-.
- A contraction of Supernumerary, in sense 2.
- To be very abundant or exuberant; to be more than sufficient; as, the country superabounds with corn.
- Acidulated to excess.
- of Superadd
- A superficies.
- Very fine, or most fine; being of surpassing fineness; of extra nice or fine quality; as, superfine cloth.
- Excessively fine; too nice; over particular; as, superfine distinctions; superfine tastes.
- Lifted up to the highest degree; most eminent; surpassing all other; supreme; as, superlative wisdom or prudence; a woman of superlative beauty; the superlative glory of the divine character.
- Expressing the highest or lowest degree of the quality, manner, etc., denoted by an adjective or an adverb. The superlative degree is formed from the positive by the use of -est, most, or least; as, highest, most pleasant, least bright.
- That which is highest or most eminent; the utmost degree.
- The superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs; also, a form or word by which the superlative degree is expressed; as, strongest, wisest, most stormy, least windy, are all superlatives.
- To reward to an excessive degree.
- Full to the top, ore brim; brimfull.
- of Top
- Rising above; surpassing.
- Hence, assuming superiority; proud.
- Fine; gallant.
- The act of one who tops; the act of cutting off the top.
- The act of raising one extremity of a spar higher than the other.
- That which comes from hemp in the process of hatcheling.
- of Topsman
Meaning of उत्कृष्ट in English
English usage of उत्कृष्ट
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