Meaning of మృదువైన in English
- Mild of temper; not easily provoked or orritated; patient under injuries; not vain, or haughty, or resentful; forbearing; submissive.
- Evincing mildness of temper, or patience; characterized by mildness or patience; as, a meek answer; a meek face.
- Alt. of Meeken
- Having an even surface, or a surface so even that no roughness or points can be perceived by the touch; not rough; as, smooth glass; smooth porcelain.
- Evenly spread or arranged; sleek; as, smooth hair.
- Gently flowing; moving equably; not ruffled or obstructed; as, a smooth stream.
- Flowing or uttered without check, obstruction, or hesitation; not harsh; voluble; even; fluent.
- Bland; mild; smoothing; fattering.
- Causing no resistance to a body sliding along its surface; frictionless.
- Smoothly.
- The act of making smooth; a stroke which smooths.
- That which is smooth; the smooth part of anything.
- To make smooth; to make even on the surface by any means; as, to smooth a board with a plane; to smooth cloth with an iron.
- To free from obstruction; to make easy.
- To free from harshness; to make flowing.
- To palliate; to gloze; as, to smooth over a fault.
- To give a smooth or calm appearance to.
- To ease; to regulate.
- To flatter; to use blandishment.
- A soft, effeminate person; a voluptuary.
- Having great sensibility; susceptible of impressions or influence; affectionate; pitying; sensitive.
Meaning of మృదువైన in English
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