Meaning of పొట్లకాయ in English
- A fleshy, three-celled, many-seeded fruit, as the melon, pumpkin, cucumber, etc., of the order Cucurbitaceae; and especially the bottle gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) which occurs in a great variety of forms, and, when the interior part is removed, serves for bottles, dippers, cups, and other dishes.
- A dipper or other vessel made from the shell of a gourd; hence, a drinking vessel; a bottle.
- A false die. See Gord.
- Alt. of Gourde
- A silver dollar; -- so called in Cuba, Hayti, etc.
- The state of being gourdy.
- The fluke of sheep. See Fluke.
Meaning of పొట్లకాయ in English
English usage of పొట్లకాయ
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