Meaning of దురదృష్టం in English
- An excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
- An inordinate desire for some supposed good.
- Misfortune.
- Mischance; misfortune; ill lick; unlucky accident; ill adventure.
- Producing misfortune.
- Bad fortune or luck; calamity; an evil accident; disaster; mishap; mischance.
- To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry; to fail.
- Unfortunate.
- The act of misprising; misapprehension; misconception; mistake.
- Neglect; undervaluing; contempt.
- A neglect, negligence, or contempt.
- Quality or state of being unlucky.
Meaning of దురదృష్టం in English
English usage of దురదృష్టం
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