Meaning of తప్పు in English
- Astray; faultily; improperly; wrongly; ill.
- Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice.
- A fault, wrong, or mistake.
- Liable to be lost.
- To make a gross error or mistake; as, to blunder in writing or preparing a medical prescription.
- To move in an awkward, clumsy manner; to flounder and stumble.
- To cause to blunder.
- To do or treat in a blundering manner; to confuse.
- Confusion; disturbance.
- A gross error or mistake, resulting from carelessness, stupidity, or culpable ignorance.
- of Blunder
- Characterized by blunders.
- of Disarray.
- Capable of being erected.
- To wander; to roam; to stray.
- To deviate from the true course; to miss the thing aimed at.
- To miss intellectual truth; to fall into error; to mistake in judgment or opinion; to be mistaken.
- To deviate morally from the right way; to go astray, in a figurative sense; to do wrong; to sin.
- To offend, as by erring.
- Liable to error; fallible.
- A special business intrusted to a messenger; something to be told or done by one sent somewhere for the purpose; often, a verbal message; a commission; as, the servant was sent on an errand; to do an errand. Also, one's purpose in going anywhere.
- Wandering; deviating from an appointed course, or from a direct path; roving.
- Notorious; notoriously bad; downright; arrant.
- Journeying; itinerant; -- formerly applied to judges who went on circuit and to bailiffs at large.
- One who wanders about.
- A wandering; a roving; esp., a roving in quest of adventures.
- The employment of a knight-errant.
- of Err
- Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; -- hence, irregular; unnatural.
- Misleading; misled; mistaking.
- Containing error; not conformed to truth or justice; incorrect; false; mistaken; as, an erroneous doctrine; erroneous opinion, observation, deduction, view, etc.
- One who encourages and propagates error; one who holds to error.
- The state of being fallible; liability to deceive or to be deceived; as, the fallibity of an argument or of an adviser.
- Liable to fail, mistake, or err; liable to deceive or to be deceived; as, all men are fallible; our opinions and hopes are fallible.
- The arch over the dam of a blast furnace; the tymp arch.
- Defect; want; lack; default.
- Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs excellence; a failing; a defect; a blemish.
- A moral failing; a defect or dereliction from duty; a deviation from propriety; an offense less serious than a crime.
- A dislocation of the strata of the vein.
- In coal seams, coal rendered worthless by impurities in the seam; as, slate fault, dirt fault, etc.
- A lost scent; act of losing the scent.
- Failure to serve the ball into the proper court.
- To charge with a fault; to accuse; to find fault with; to blame.
- To interrupt the continuity of (rock strata) by displacement along a plane of fracture; -- chiefly used in the p. p.; as, the coal beds are badly faulted.
- To err; to blunder, to commit a fault; to do wrong.
- of Fault
- One who commits a fault.
- Full of faults or sins.
- Quality or state of being faulty.
- The state or condition of being faulted; the process by which a fault is produced.
- Containing faults, blemishes, or defects; imperfect; not fit for the use intended.
- Guilty of a fault, or of faults; hence, blamable; worthy of censure.
- Fit to be felled.
- Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty.
- Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation.
- Not accordant with duty or morality; not duly regulated or subordinated; unbecoming; improper; as, incorrect conduct.
- Want of correction, restraint, or discipline.
- The quality of being incorrect; want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy; inexactness; as incorrectness may in defect or in redundance.
- Incapable of being corroded, consumed, or eaten away.
- Not affected with corruption or decay; unimpaired; not marred or spoiled.
- Not defiled or depraved; pure; sound; untainted; above the influence of bribes; upright; honest.
- A crime; an offense; an evil deed.
- Capable of being mixed; mixable; as, water and alcohol are miscible in all proportions.
- To cite erroneously.
- To fail or err in attempting to correct.
- An evil deed; a wicked action.
- To misjudge.
- To behave ill; -- with a reflexive pronoun; as, to misdemean one's self.
- of Misdo
- A wrong done; a fault or crime; an offense; as, it was my misdoing.
- To befall, as ill luck; to happen to unluckily.
- To guess wrongly.
- Not to know.
- To mate wrongly or unsuitably; as, to mismate gloves or shoes; a mismated couple.
- To number wrongly.
- To recite erroneously.
- An inaccurate recital.
- Liable to be mistaken; capable of being misconceived.
- of Mistake
- An error; a mistake.
- Wrongly taught; as, a mistaught youth.
- of Misteach
- To tune wrongly.
- To turn amiss; to pervert.
- Relinquishing.
- One who relinquishes.
Meaning of తప్పు in English
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