Meaning of చీలిక in English
- The act of cleaving or splitting.
- The quality possessed by many crystallized substances of splitting readily in one or more definite directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a minimum, affording more or less smooth surfaces; the direction of the dividing plane; a fragment obtained by cleaving, as of a diamond. See Parting.
- Division into laminae, like slate, with the lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of deposition; -- usually produced by pressure.
- of Cleave
- imp. & p. p. from Cleave.
- Divided; split; partly divided or split.
- Incised nearly to the midrib; as, a cleft leaf.
- A space or opening made by splitting; a crack; a crevice; as, the cleft of a rock.
- A piece made by splitting; as, a cleft of wood.
- A disease in horses; a crack on the band of the pastern.
- of Clew
- Leaving the neck and shoulders uncovered; cut low in the neck, or low-necked, as a dress.
- Reproducing by spontaneous fission. See Fission.
- p. p. of Rive.
- An opening made by riving or splitting; a cleft; a fissure.
- A shallow place in a stream; a ford.
- To cleave; to rive; to split; as, to rift an oak or a rock; to rift the clouds.
- To burst open; to split.
- To belch.
- The act of belching wind.
- A breaking or bursting open; breach; rupture.
- One not of noble blood; a plebeian; a roturier.
- The act of breaking apart, or separating; the state of being broken asunder; as, the rupture of the skin; the rupture of a vessel or fiber; the rupture of a lutestring.
- Breach of peace or concord between individuals; open hostility or war between nations; interruption of friendly relations; as, the parties came to a rupture.
- Hernia. See Hernia.
- A bursting open, as of a steam boiler, in a less sudden manner than by explosion. See Explosion.
- To part by violence; to break; to burst; as, to rupture a blood vessel.
- To produce a hernia in.
- To suffer a breach or disruption.
- of Rupture
- Same as Burstwort.
- A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides) somewhat resembling burstwort.
- 3d. pers. sing. pres. of Slide.
- of Slit
- To cut lengthwise; to cut into long pieces or strips; as, to slit iron bars into nail rods; to slit leather into straps.
- To cut or make a long fissure in or upon; as, to slit the ear or the nose.
- To cut; to sever; to divide.
- A long cut; a narrow opening; as, a slit in the ear.
- a. & n. from Slit.
- Of or pertaining to a spline.
- To split or rend into long, thin pieces; to shiver; as, the lightning splinters a tree.
- To fasten or confine with splinters, or splints, as a broken limb.
- To become split into long pieces.
- A thin piece split or rent off lengthwise, as from wood, bone, or other solid substance; a thin piece; a sliver; as, splinters of a ship's mast rent off by a shot.
- of Splinter
- Consisting of splinters; resembling splinters; as, the splintery fracture of a mineral.
- of Splint
- To speak hastily and confusedly; to sputter.
- A confused noise, as of hasty speaking.
- of Splutter
Meaning of చీలిక in English
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