Meaning of ఖచ్చితమైన in English
- Capable of being defined, limited, or explained; determinable; describable by definition; ascertainable; as, definable limits; definable distinctions or regulations; definable words.
- One who defines or explains.
- Having certain or distinct; determinate in extent or greatness; limited; fixed; as, definite dimensions; a definite measure; a definite period or interval.
- Having certain limits in signification; determinate; certain; precise; fixed; exact; clear; as, a definite word, term, or expression.
- Determined; resolved.
- Serving to define or restrict; limiting; determining; as, the definite article.
- A thing defined or determined.
- Determinate; positive; final; conclusive; unconditional; express.
- Limiting; determining; as, a definitive word.
- A word used to define or limit the extent of the signification of a common noun, such as the definite article, and some pronouns.
- An exactor.
- of Exact
- Oppressive or unreasonably severe in making demands or requiring the exact fulfillment of obligations; harsh; severe.
- One who exacts or demands by authority or right; hence, an extortioner; also, one unreasonably severe in injunctions or demands.
- A woman who is an exactor.
- A limiting element or quality.
- Timid; fearful.
- Having determinate limitations; exactly or sharply defined or stated; definite; exact; nice; not vague or equivocal; as, precise rules of morality.
- Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.
- One who limits, or restrains.
- An overprecise person; one rigidly or ceremoniously exact in the observance of rules; a formalist; -- formerly applied to the English Puritans.
- Cutting off; (Logic) exactly limiting by cutting off all that is not absolutely relative to the purpose; as, precisive censure; precisive abstraction.
- Shutting out; precluding, or tending to preclude; hindering.
- Firm; stiff; unyielding; not pliant; not flexible.
- Hence, not lax or indulgent; severe; inflexible; strict; as, a rigid father or master; rigid discipline; rigid criticism; a rigid sentence.
Meaning of ఖచ్చితమైన in English
English usage of ఖచ్చితమైన
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