Meaning of కోత in English
- The act or operation of eroding or eating away.
- The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker.
- of Harvest
- a. & n., from Harvest, v. t.
- To cut in or into with a sharp instrument; to carve; to engrave.
- To cut, gash, or wound with a sharp instrument; to cut off.
- The act of incising, or cutting into a substance.
- That which is produced by incising; the separation of the parts of any substance made by a cutting or pointed instrument; a cut; a gash.
- Separation or solution of viscid matter by medicines.
- Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; cutting; hence, sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting.
- Of or pertaining to the incisors; incisor; as, the incisive bones, the premaxillaries.
- One of the teeth in front of the canines in either jaw; an incisive tooth. See Tooth.
- Adapted for cutting; of or pertaining to the incisors; incisive; as, the incisor nerve; an incisor foramen; an incisor tooth.
- Having the quality of cutting; incisor; incisive.
- A cut; an incision; a gash.
- The insertion of a scion in a stock; ingraftment.
- To cut, clip, or sever anything from with shears or a like instrument; as, to shear sheep; to shear cloth.
- To separate or sever with shears or a similar instrument; to cut off; to clip (something) from a surface; as, to shear a fleece.
- To reap, as grain.
- Fig.: To deprive of property; to fleece.
- To produce a change of shape in by a shear. See Shear, n., 4.
- A pair of shears; -- now always used in the plural, but formerly also in the singular. See Shears.
- A shearing; -- used in designating the age of sheep.
- An action, resulting from applied forces, which tends to cause two contiguous parts of a body to slide relatively to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact; -- also called shearing stress, and tangential stress.
- A strain, or change of shape, of an elastic body, consisting of an extension in one direction, an equal compression in a perpendicular direction, with an unchanged magnitude in the third direction.
- To deviate. See Sheer.
- To become more or less completely divided, as a body under the action of forces, by the sliding of two contiguous parts relatively to each other in a direction parallel to their plane of contact.
- See Shard.
- of Shear
- One who shears.
- A reaper.
Meaning of కోత in English
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