Meaning of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన in English
- Pleasing; grateful to the mind or to the senses; agreeable; as, a pleasant journey; pleasant weather.
- Cheerful; enlivening; gay; sprightly; humorous; sportive; as, pleasant company; a pleasant fellow.
- A wit; a humorist; a buffoon.
- The state or quality of being pleasant.
- of Pleasantry
- That which denotes or promotes pleasure or good humor; cheerfulness; gayety; merriment; especially, an agreeable playfulness in conversation; a jocose or humorous remark; badinage.
- One who pleases or gratifies.
- of Please
- Giving pleasure or satisfaction; causing agreeable emotion; agreeable; delightful; as, a pleasing prospect; pleasing manners.
- An object of pleasure.
- Capable of affording pleasure or satisfaction; gratifying; abounding in pleasantness or pleasantry.
- A person devoted to worldly pleasure.
- of Pleasure
Meaning of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన in English
English usage of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన
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