Meaning of అమరిక in English
- The act of adjusting to a line; arrangement in a line or lines; the state of being so adjusted; a formation in a straight line; also, the line of adjustment; esp., an imaginary line to regulate the formation of troops or of a squadron.
- The ground-plan of a railway or other road, in distinction from the grades or profile.
- of Arraign
- The act of arraigning, or the state of being arraigned; the act of calling and setting a prisoner before a court to answer to an indictment or complaint.
- A calling to an account to faults; accusation.
- The act of arranging or putting in an orderly condition; the state of being arranged or put in order; disposition in suitable form.
- The manner or result of arranging; system of parts disposed in due order; regular and systematic classification; as, arrangement of one's dress; the Linnaean arrangement of plants.
- Preparatory proceeding or measure; preparation; as, we have made arrangement for receiving company.
- Settlement; adjustment by agreement; as, the parties have made an arrangement between themselves concerning their disputes; a satisfactory arrangement.
- The adaptation of a composition to voices or instruments for which it was not originally written.
- A piece so adapted; a transcription; as, a pianoforte arrangement of Beethoven's symphonies; an orchestral arrangement of a song, an opera, or the like.
- One who arranges.
- Order; a regular and imposing arrangement; disposition in regular lines; hence, order of battle; as, drawn up in battle array.
- The whole body of persons thus placed in order; an orderly collection; hence, a body of soldiers.
- An imposing series of things.
- Dress; garments disposed in order upon the person; rich or beautiful apparel.
- A ranking or setting forth in order, by the proper officer, of a jury as impaneled in a cause.
- The panel itself.
- The whole body of jurors summoned to attend the court.
- To place or dispose in order, as troops for battle; to marshal.
- To deck or dress; to adorn with dress; to cloth to envelop; -- applied esp. to dress of a splendid kind.
- To set in order, as a jury, for the trial of a cause; that is, to call them man by man.
- The process of estimating the caliber a tube, as of a thermometer tube, in order to graduate it to a scale of degrees; also, more generally, the determination of the true value of the spaces in any graduated instrument.
- A seething; digestion.
- The act of fitting; that which is proper or becoming; equipment.
- The state or quality of being fitted; adaptation.
- of Set
- The act of one who, or that which, sets; as, the setting of type, or of gems; the setting of the sun; the setting (hardening) of moist plaster of Paris; the setting (set) of a current.
- The act of marking the position of game, as a setter does; also, hunting with a setter.
- Something set in, or inserted.
- That in which something, as a gem, is set; as, the gold setting of a jeweled pin.
Meaning of అమరిక in English
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