Meaning of வெளிப்படுத்து in English
- To soil. See Beray.
- To expose; to reveal; to disclose; to betray.
- To take off a cloak from; to uncloak.
- To unclose; to open; -- applied esp. to eggs in the sense of to hatch.
- To remove a cover or envelope from;; to set free from inclosure; to uncover.
- To lay open or expose to view; to cause to appear; to bring to light; to reveal.
- To make known, as that which has been kept secret or hidden; to reveal; to expose; as, events have disclosed his designs.
- Disclosure.
- To divest of a clout.
- To free from blame or the imputation of a fault; to exculpate.
- To make public; to several or communicate to the public; to tell (a secret) so that it may become generally known; to disclose; -- said of that which had been confided as a secret, or had been before unknown; as, to divulge a secret.
- To indicate publicly; to proclaim.
- To impart; to communicate.
- To become publicly known.
- To fish out; to find out by skill or laborious investigation; to search out.
- To charge upon with reproach; to upbraid.
- To reave.
- An officer, steward, or governor.
- To make known (that which has been concealed or kept secret); to unveil; to disclose; to show.
- Specifically, to communicate (that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction or agency).
- A revealing; a disclosure.
- The side of an opening for a window, doorway, or the like, between the door frame or window frame and the outer surface of the wall; or, where the opening is not filled with a door, etc., the whole thickness of the wall; the jamb.
- To vegetate anew.
- To reclaim; to demand the restoration of.
- To face, as an embankment, with masonry, wood, or other material.
- To take the cover from; to divest of covering; as, to uncover a box, bed, house, or the like; to uncover one's body.
- To show openly; to disclose; to reveal.
- To divest of the hat or cap; to bare the head of; as, to uncover one's head; to uncover one's self.
- To take off the hat or cap; to bare the head in token of respect.
- To remove the covers from dishes, or the like.
- To keep close or secret.
Meaning of வெளிப்படுத்து in English
English usage of வெளிப்படுத்து
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