Meaning of மேலோட்டமான in English
- of Overshadow
- Not deep; having little depth; shoal.
- Not deep in tone.
- Not intellectually deep; not profound; not penetrating deeply; simple; not wise or knowing; ignorant; superficial; as, a shallow mind; shallow learning.
- A place in a body of water where the water is not deep; a shoal; a flat; a shelf.
- The rudd.
- To make shallow.
- To become shallow, as water.
- Incapable of deep feeling.
- of Supererogate
- More than ethical; above ethics.
- Of or pertaining to the superficies, or surface; lying on the surface; shallow; not deep; as, a superficial color; a superficial covering; superficial measure or contents; superficial tillage.
- Reaching or comprehending only what is obvious or apparent; not deep or profound; shallow; -- said especially in respect to study, learning, and the like; as, a superficial scholar; superficial knowledge.
- One who attends to anything superficially; a superficial or shallow person; a sciolist; a smatterer.
- To attend to, or to treat, superficially, or in a shallow or slighting way.
- One to whom a right of surface occupation is granted; one who pays quitrent for a house built upon another man's ground.
- Of or pertaining to the superficies, or surface; superficial.
- Situated or built on another man's land, as a house.
- Of or pertaining to uplands; dwelling on high lands.
- Rude; rustic; unpolished; uncivilized.
Meaning of மேலோட்டமான in English
English usage of மேலோட்டமான
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