Meaning of மம்மி in English
- A fruit tree of tropical America, belonging to the genus Mammea (M. Americana); also, its fruit. The latter is large, covered with a thick, tough ring, and contains a bright yellow pulp of a pleasant taste and fragrant scent. It is often called mammee apple.
- A child's name for mamma, mother.
- Converted into a mummy or a mummylike substance; having the appearance of a mummy; withered.
- of Mummify
- A dead body embalmed and dried after the manner of the ancient Egyptians; also, a body preserved, by any means, in a dry state, from the process of putrefaction.
- Dried flesh of a mummy.
- A gummy liquor that exudes from embalmed flesh when heated; -- formerly supposed to have magical and medicinal properties.
- A brown color obtained from bitumen. See Mummy brown (below).
- A sort of wax used in grafting, etc.
- One whose affections and energies are withered.
- To embalm; to mummify.
- Sullenness; silent displeasure; the sulks.
- A specific infectious febrile disorder characterized by a nonsuppurative inflammation of the parotid glands; epidemic or infectious parotitis.
Meaning of மம்மி in English
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