Meaning of போலி in English
- Consisting of, or containing, a bog or bogs; of the nature of a bog; swampy; as, boggy land.
- A goblin; a specter; a frightful phantom; a bogy; a bugbear.
- Spurious; fictitious; sham; -- a cant term originally applied to counterfeit coin, and hence denoting anything counterfeit.
- A liquor made of rum and molasses.
- Silent; mute; noiseless; as a dummy engine.
- Fictitious or sham; feigned; as, a dummy watch.
- One who is dumb.
- A sham package in a shop, or one which does not contain what its exterior indicates.
- An imitation or copy of something, to be used as a substitute; a model; a lay figure; as, a figure on which clothing is exhibited in shop windows; a blank paper copy used to show the size of the future book, etc.
- One who plays a merely nominal part in any action; a sham character.
- A thick-witted person; a dolt.
- A locomotive with condensing engines, and, hence, without the noise of escaping steam; also, a dummy car.
- The fourth or exposed hand when three persons play at a four-handed game of cards.
- A floating barge connected with a pier.
- One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn or coil.
- To coil (a rope, line, or hawser), by winding alternately in opposite directions, in layers usually of zigzag or figure of eight form,, to prevent twisting when running out.
- To cheat; to swindle; to steal; to rob.
- To make; to construct; to do.
- To manipulate fraudulently, so as to make an object appear better or other than it really is; as, to fake a bulldog, by burning his upper lip and thus artificially shortening it.
- A trick; a swindle.
- Inscribed with a false name.
- Pertaining to the vascular system of annelids.
- A combining form or prefix signifying false, counterfeit, pretended, spurious; as, pseudo-apostle, a false apostle; pseudo-clergy, false or spurious clergy; pseudo-episcopacy, pseudo-form, pseudo-martyr, pseudo-philosopher. Also used adjectively.
- Falsely romantic.
- of Pseudovary
- The organ in which pseudova are produced; -- called also pseudovarium.
- Not proceeding from the true source, or from the source pretended; not genuine; false; adulterate.
- Not legitimate; bastard; as, spurious issue.
Meaning of போலி in English
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