Meaning of பேராசை in English
- Greediness; strong appetite; eagerness; intenseness of desire; as, to eat with avidity.
- Very desirous; eager to obtain; -- used in a good sense.
- Inordinately desirous; excessively eager to obtain and possess (esp. money); avaricious; -- in a bad sense.
- Strong desire.
- A strong or inordinate desire of obtaining and possessing some supposed good; excessive desire for riches or money; -- in a bad sense.
- An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain.
- In a greedy manner.
- The quality of being greedy; vehement and selfish desire.
- Having a keen appetite for food or drink; ravenous; voracious; very hungry; -- followed by of; as, a lion that is greedy of his prey.
- Having a keen desire for anything; vehemently desirous; eager to obtain; avaricious; as, greedy of gain.
- A glutton.
Meaning of பேராசை in English
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