Meaning of பற்றாக்குறை in English
- An exclamation expressive of sorrow.
- Scarcity which renders dear; want; lack; specifically, lack of food on account of failure of crops; famine.
- To disburse.
- Deficiency in amount or quality; a falling short; lack; as, a deficit in taxes, revenue, etc.
- The act of linking together; enchaining.
- The state or quality of not being deficient.
- Want of suavity; unpleasantness.
- Insufficiency.
- The quality or state of being insufficient; want of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of provisions, of an excuse, etc.
- Want of power or skill; inability; incapacity; incompetency; as, the insufficiency of a man for an office.
- Blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense.
- Deficiency; want; need; destitution; failure; as, a lack of sufficient food.
- To blame; to find fault with.
- To be without or destitute of; to want; to need.
- To be wanting; often, impersonally, with of, meaning, to be less than, short, not quite, etc.
- To be in want.
- Exclamation of regret or surprise.
- Alack the day; alas; -- an expression of sorrow, regret, dissatisfaction, or surprise.
- One who lacks or is in want.
- See Lacquer.
- Fewness; smallness of number; scarcity.
- Smallnes of quantity; exiguity; insufficiency; as, paucity of blood.
- Not plentiful or abundant; in small quantity in proportion to the demand; not easily to be procured; rare; uncommon.
- Scantily supplied (with); deficient (in); -- with of.
- Sparing; frugal; parsimonious; stingy.
- Alt. of Scarcely
- An offset where a wall or bank of earth, etc., retreats, leaving a shelf or footing.
- Alt. of Scarcity
- The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency; lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of grain; a great scarcity of beauties.
- Amount or extent of deficiency, as determined by some requirement or standard; as, a shortage in money accounts.
- The quality or state of being tenable; tenableness.
- Same as Tenability.
- Tenderness.
Meaning of பற்றாக்குறை in English
English usage of பற்றாக்குறை
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