Meaning of தொடர்பு in English
- of Affiance
- of Communicate
- The act or fact of communicating; as, communication of smallpox; communication of a secret.
- Intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence.
- Association; company.
- Means of communicating; means of passing from place to place; a connecting passage; connection.
- That which is communicated or imparted; intelligence; news; a verbal or written message.
- Participation in the Lord's supper.
- A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you.
- A close union or junction of bodies; a touching or meeting.
- The property of two curves, or surfaces, which meet, and at the point of meeting have a common direction.
- The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock.
- Act of touching.
- To have reciprocal or mutual relations; to be mutually related.
- To put in relation with each other; to connect together by the disclosure of a mutual relation; as, to correlate natural phenomena.
- One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation to something else, as father to son; a correlative.
- Reciprocal relation; corresponding similarity or parallelism of relation or law; capacity of being converted into, or of giving place to, one another, under certain conditions; as, the correlation of forces, or of zymotic diseases.
- Having or indicating a reciprocal relation.
- One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation, or is correlated, to some other person or thing.
- The antecedent of a pronoun.
- In a correlative relation.
- Quality of being correlative.
- Intermediate action.
- Mutual or reciprocal action or influence; as, the interaction of the heart and lungs on each other.
- Mutual communication.
- Mutual or reciprocal relation; correlation.
- A union, or bond of union; an intimacy; especially, an illicit intimacy between a man and a woman.
- To bring back; to restore.
- To refer; to ascribe, as to a source.
- To recount; to narrate; to tell over.
- To ally by connection or kindred.
- To stand in some relation; to have bearing or concern; to pertain; to refer; -- with to.
- To make reference; to take account.
Meaning of தொடர்பு in English
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