Meaning of தந்திரமான in English
- Resembling crape.
- Knowing; skillful; dexterous.
- Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity; ingenious; curious; as, cunning work.
- Crafty; sly; artful; designing; deceitful.
- Pretty or pleasing; as, a cunning little boy.
- Knowledge; art; skill; dexterity.
- The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.
- Dexterous in performing an action, so as to escape notice; nimble; skillful; cautious; shrewd; knowing; -- in a good sense.
- Artfully cunning; secretly mischievous; wily.
- Done with, and marked by, artful and dexterous secrecy; subtle; as, a sly trick.
- Light or delicate; slight; thin.
- Slyly.
- Given to tricks; artful in making bargains; given to deception and cheating; knavish.
- Exhibiting artfulness; trickish.
- Given to tricks; practicing deception; trickish; knavish.
Meaning of தந்திரமான in English
English usage of தந்திரமான
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