
Meaning of ஒப்பந்தம் in English

  • Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony of mind; consent; assent.
  • Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord; as, the accord of tones.
  • Agreement, harmony, or just correspondence of things; as, the accord of light and shade in painting.
  • Voluntary or spontaneous motion or impulse to act; -- preceded by own; as, of one's own accord.
  • An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, bars a suit.
  • To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust; -- followed by to.
  • To bring to an agreement, as persons; to reconcile; to settle, adjust, harmonize, or compose, as things; as, to accord suits or controversies.
  • To grant as suitable or proper; to concede; to award; as, to accord to one due praise.
  • To agree; to correspond; to be in harmony; -- followed by with, formerly also by to; as, his disposition accords with his looks.
  • To agree in pitch and tone.
  • State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council.
  • Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.
  • A concurrence in an engagement that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract.
  • The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises.
  • The state of being contracted; narrowness; meanness; selfishness.
  • of Contract
  • A state of permanent rigidity or contraction of the muscles, generally of the flexor muscles.
  • A part or portion; a share; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent, degree, or extent; as, a deal of time and trouble; a deal of cold.
  • The process of dealing cards to the players; also, the portion disturbed.
  • Distribution; apportionment.
  • An arrangement to attain a desired result by a combination of interested parties; -- applied to stock speculations and political bargains.
  • The division of a piece of timber made by sawing; a board or plank; particularly, a board or plank of fir or pine above seven inches in width, and exceeding six feet in length. If narrower than this, it is called a batten; if shorter, a deal end.
  • Wood of the pine or fir; as, a floor of deal.
  • To divide; to separate in portions; hence, to give in portions; to distribute; to bestow successively; -- sometimes with out.
  • Specifically: To distribute, as cards, to the players at the commencement of a game; as, to deal the cards; to deal one a jack.
  • To make distribution; to share out in portions, as cards to the players.
  • To do a distributing or retailing business, as distinguished from that of a manufacturer or producer; to traffic; to trade; to do business; as, he deals in flour.
  • To act as an intermediary in business or any affairs; to manage; to make arrangements; -- followed by between or with.
  • To conduct one's self; to behave or act in any affair or towards any one; to treat.
  • To contend (with); to treat (with), by way of opposition, check, or correction; as, he has turbulent passions to deal with.
  • Act of bleaching; a whitening.
  • The act of indenting, or state of being indented.
  • A mutual agreement in writing between two or more parties, whereof each party has usually a counterpart or duplicate; sometimes in the pl., a short form for indentures of apprenticeship, the contract by which a youth is bound apprentice to a master.
  • To indent; to make hollows, notches, or wrinkles in; to furrow.
  • To bind by indentures or written contract; as, to indenture an apprentice.
  • To run or wind in and out; to be cut or notched; to indent.
  • of Indenture
  • An agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant.
  • One who tends; one who takes care of any person or thing; a nurse.
  • A vessel employed to attend other vessels, to supply them with provisions and other stores, to convey intelligence, or the like.
  • A car attached to a locomotive, for carrying a supply of fuel and water.
  • To offer in payment or satisfaction of a demand, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture; as, to tender the amount of rent or debt.
  • To offer in words; to present for acceptance.
  • An offer, either of money to pay a debt, or of service to be performed, in order to save a penalty or forfeiture, which would be incurred by nonpayment or nonperformance; as, the tender of rent due, or of the amount of a note, with interest.
  • Any offer or proposal made for acceptance; as, a tender of a loan, of service, or of friendship; a tender of a bid for a contract.
  • The thing offered; especially, money offered in payment of an obligation.
  • Easily impressed, broken, bruised, or injured; not firm or hard; delicate; as, tender plants; tender flesh; tender fruit.
  • Sensible to impression and pain; easily pained.
  • Physically weak; not hardly or able to endure hardship; immature; effeminate.
  • Susceptible of the softer passions, as love, compassion, kindness; compassionate; pitiful; anxious for another's good; easily excited to pity, forgiveness, or favor; sympathetic.
  • Exciting kind concern; dear; precious.
  • Careful to save inviolate, or not to injure; -- with of.
  • Unwilling to cause pain; gentle; mild.
  • Adapted to excite feeling or sympathy; expressive of the softer passions; pathetic; as, tender expressions; tender expostulations; a tender strain.
  • Apt to give pain; causing grief or pain; delicate; as, a tender subject.
  • Heeling over too easily when under sail; -- said of a vessel.
  • Regard; care; kind concern.
  • To have a care of; to be tender toward; hence, to regard; to esteem; to value.
  • The act of treating for the adjustment of differences, as for forming an agreement; negotiation.
  • An agreement so made; specifically, an agreement, league, or contract between two or more nations or sovereigns, formally signed by commissioners properly authorized, and solemnly ratified by the several sovereigns, or the supreme power of each state; an agreement between two or more independent states; as, a treaty of peace; a treaty of alliance.
  • A proposal tending to an agreement.
  • A treatise; a tract.

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