Meaning of ஊடுருவு in English
- A frame or grating of various kinds; as, a frame for drying bricks, fish, or cheese; a rack for feeding cattle; a grating in a mill race, etc.
- Unburned brick or tile, stacked up for drying.
- To cut irregulary, without skill or definite purpose; to notch; to mangle by repeated strokes of a cutting instrument; as, to hack a post.
- Fig.: To mangle in speaking.
- To cough faintly and frequently, or in a short, broken manner; as, a hacking cough.
- A notch; a cut.
- An implement for cutting a notch; a large pick used in breaking stone.
- A hacking; a catch in speaking; a short, broken cough.
- A kick on the shins.
- A horse, hackneyed or let out for common hire; also, a horse used in all kinds of work, or a saddle horse, as distinguished from hunting and carriage horses.
- A coach or carriage let for hire; particularly, a a coach with two seats inside facing each other; a hackney coach.
- A bookmaker who hires himself out for any sort of literary work; an overworked man; a drudge.
- A procuress.
- Hackneyed; hired; mercenary.
- To use as a hack; to let out for hire.
- To use frequently and indiscriminately, so as to render trite and commonplace.
- To be exposed or offered or to common use for hire; to turn prostitute.
- To live the life of a drudge or hack.
Meaning of ஊடுருவு in English
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