Meaning of உடற்கூறியல் in English
- Alt. of Anathematical
- Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema.
- The act of anathematizing, or denouncing as accursed; imprecation.
- Anathematization.
- Compound interest.
- Of or relating to anatomy or dissection; as, the anatomic art; anatomical observations.
- Alt. of Anatomical
- of Anatomy
- The application of the principles of anatomy, as in art.
- The doctrine that the anatomical structure explains all the phenomena of the organism or of animal life.
- One who is skilled in the art of anatomy, or dissection.
- The act of anatomizing.
- To dissect; to cut in pieces, as an animal vegetable body, for the purpose of displaying or examining the structure and use of the several parts.
- To discriminate minutely or carefully; to analyze.
- of Anatomize
- A dissector.
- The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and economy; dissection.
- The science which treats of the structure of organic bodies; anatomical structure or organization.
- A treatise or book on anatomy.
- The act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts; analysis; as, the anatomy of a discourse.
- A skeleton; anything anatomized or dissected, or which has the appearance of being so.
- Overthrowing; defeating; -- applied to Plato's refutative dialogues.
- Alt. of Anatropous
- Having the ovule inverted at an early period in its development, so that the chalaza is as the apparent apex; -- opposed to orthotropous.
Meaning of உடற்கூறியல் in English
English usage of உடற்கூறியல்
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