Meaning of இணைப்பு in English
- The act of joining; the thing joined or added.
- Adoption; association or reception as a member in or of the same family or society.
- The establishment or ascertaining of parentage; the assignment of a child, as a bastard, to its father; filiation.
- Connection in the way of descent.
- Of the nature of affinity.
- To subjoin, annex, or add at the close or end; to append to; to fix to any part of; as, to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument; to affix one's name to a writing.
- To fix or fasten in any way; to attach physically.
- To attach, unite, or connect with; as, names affixed to ideas, or ideas affixed to things; to affix a stigma to a person; to affix ridicule or blame to any one.
- To fix or fasten figuratively; -- with on or upon; as, eyes affixed upon the ground.
- That which is affixed; an appendage; esp. one or more letters or syllables added at the end of a word; a suffix; a postfix.
- Affixture.
- The act of affixing, or the state of being affixed; attachment.
- A blowing or breathing on; inspiration.
- Connecting; annexing.
- To join or attach; usually to subjoin; to affix; to append; -- followed by to.
- To join or add, as a smaller thing to a greater.
- To attach or connect, as a consequence, condition, etc.; as, to annex a penalty to a prohibition, or punishment to guilt.
- To join; to be united.
- Something annexed or appended; as, an additional stipulation to a writing, a subsidiary building to a main building; a wing.
- One who favors annexation.
- One who annexes.
- Annexation.
- An annexationist.
- The act of annexing, or the thing annexed; appendage.
- Accusation.
- Something appended to, or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it, as a portico to a house.
- A subordinate or subsidiary part or organ; an external organ or limb, esp. of the articulates.
- Hanging; annexed; adjunct; concomitant; as, a seal appendant to a paper.
- Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; -- said of a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is superior or more worthy; as, an advowson, common, etc. , which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in church to a house.
- Anything attached to another as incidental or subordinate to it.
- A inheritance annexed by prescription to a superior inheritance.
- Something appendant.
- Alt. of Appendency
- State of being appendant; appendance.
- A small appendage.
- One attached to another person or thing, as a part of a suite or staff. Specifically: One attached to an embassy.
- The act attaching, or state of being attached; close adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an/ passion of affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a friend, or to a party.
- That by which one thing is attached to another; connection; as, to cut the attachments of a muscle.
- Something attached; some adjunct attached to an instrument, machine, or other object; as, a sewing machine attachment (i. e., a device attached to a sewing machine to enable it to do special work, as tucking, etc.).
- A seizure or taking into custody by virtue of a legal process.
- The writ or percept commanding such seizure or taking.
- See Con, to direct a ship.
- The act of connecting, or the state of being connected; junction; union; alliance; relationship.
- That which connects or joins together; bond; tie.
- A relation; esp. a person connected with another by marriage rather than by blood; -- used in a loose and indefinite, and sometimes a comprehensive, sense.
- The persons or things that are connected; as, a business connection; the Methodist connection.
- Connecting, or adapted to connect; involving connection.
- That which connects
- A word that connect words or sentences; a conjunction or preposition.
- That part of an anther which connects its thecae, lobes, or cells.
- One who, or that which, connects
- A flexible tube for connecting the ends of glass tubes in pneumatic experiments.
- A device for holding two parts of an electrical conductor in contact.
- To connect.
- Connection. See Connection.
- See Connective.
- The act of joining; a putting together; conjunction.
- A joining of parties as plaintiffs or defendants in a suit.
- Acceptance of an issue tendered in law or fact.
- A joining of causes of action or defense in civil suits or criminal prosecutions.
- A torch made of tow and pitch, or the like.
- A single ring or division of a chain.
- Hence: Anything, whether material or not, which binds together, or connects, separate things; a part of a connected series; a tie; a bond.
- Anything doubled and closed like a link; as, a link of horsehair.
- Any one of the several elementary pieces of a mechanism, as the fixed frame, or a rod, wheel, mass of confined liquid, etc., by which relative motion of other parts is produced and constrained.
- Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end; specifically (Steam Engine), the slotted bar, or connecting piece, to the opposite ends of which the eccentric rods are jointed, and by means of which the movement of the valve is varied, in a link motion.
- The length of one joint of Gunter's chain, being the hundredth part of it, or 7.92 inches, the chain being 66 feet in length. Cf. Chain, n., 4.
- A bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms; -- applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction.
- Sausages; -- because linked together.
- To connect or unite with a link or as with a link; to join; to attach; to unite; to couple.
- To be connected.
- The act of linking; the state of being linked; also, a system of links.
- Manner of linking or of being linked; -- said of the union of atoms or radicals in the molecule.
- A system of straight lines or bars, fastened together by joints, and having certain of their points fixed in a plane. It is used to describe straight lines and curves in the plane.
- A boy or man that carried a link or torch to light passengers.
- One who, or that which, merges.
- An absorption of one estate, or one contract, in another, or of a minor offense in a greater.
- The surface of a leaf or of a flattened thallus.
- A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, esp. upon an old garment to cover a hole.
- A small piece of anything used to repair a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc.
- A small piece of black silk stuck on the face, or neck, to hide a defect, or to heighten beauty.
- A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.
- Fig.: Anything regarded as a patch; a small piece of ground; a tract; a plot; as, scattered patches of trees or growing corn.
- A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.
- A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool.
- To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like; as, to patch a coat.
- To mend with pieces; to repair with pieces festened on; to repair clumsily; as, to patch the roof of a house.
- To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches.
- To make of pieces or patches; to repair as with patches; to arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner; -- generally with up; as, to patch up a truce.
- of Tether
Meaning of இணைப்பு in English
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