Meaning of அவநம்பிக்கை in English
- To trust or intrust.
- The removal of a crust.
- To give up, the will, courage, or spirit; to be thoroughly disheartened; to lose all courage; to become dispirited or depressed; to take an unhopeful view.
- Despondency.
- The state of desponding; loss of hope and cessation of effort; discouragement; depression or dejection of the mind.
- To betroth.
- Betrothal.
- The act of disbelieving;; a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.
- To feel absence of trust in; not to confide in or rely upon; to deem of questionable sufficiency or reality; to doubt; to be suspicious of; to mistrust.
- Doubt of sufficiency, reality, or sincerity; want of confidence, faith, or reliance; as, distrust of one's power, authority, will, purposes, schemes, etc.
- Suspicion of evil designs.
- State of being suspected; loss of trust.
- of Distrust
- Not confident; diffident; wanting confidence or thrust; modest; as, distrustful of ourselves, of one's powers.
- Apt to distrust; suspicious; mistrustful.
- That distrusts; suspicious; lacking confidence in.
- Incrusted.
- To incrust.
- The act of incrusting, or the state of being incrusted.
- A crust or hard coating of anything upon or within a body, as a deposit of lime, sediment, etc., from water on the inner surface of a steam boiler.
- A covering or inlaying of marble, mosaic, etc., attached to the masonry by cramp irons or cement.
- Anything inlaid or imbedded.
- Incrustation.
- Erroneous or false belief.
- Want of confidence or trust; suspicion; distrust.
- To regard with jealousy or suspicion; to suspect; to doubt the integrity of; to distrust.
- To forebode as near, or likely to occur; to surmise.
- Having or causing mistrust, suspicions, or forebodings.
- Having no mistrust or suspicion.
- The opinion or doctrine that everything in nature is ordered for or tends to the worst, or that the world is wholly evil; -- opposed to optimism.
- A disposition to take the least hopeful view of things.
- Of or pertaining to pessimism; characterized by pessimism; gloomy; foreboding.
- To hold or advocate the doctrine of pessimism.
- The withholding of belief; doubt; incredulity; skepticism.
- Disbelief; especially, disbelief of divine revelation, or in a divine providence or scheme of redemption.
- Listlessness; disinclination.
- Distrust.
Meaning of அவநம்பிக்கை in English
English usage of அவநம்பிக்கை
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