
Meaning of அளவு in English

  • of Amount
  • Heat.
  • Extended.
  • Space or degree to which a thing is extended; hence, superficies; compass; bulk; size; length; as, an extent of country or of line; extent of information or of charity.
  • Degree; measure; proportion.
  • A peculiar species of execution upon debts due to the crown, under which the lands and goods of the debtor may be seized to secure payment.
  • A process of execution by which the lands and goods of a debtor are valued and delivered to the creditor.
  • That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines; the bound, border, or edge; the utmost extent; as, the limit of a walk, of a town, of a country; the limits of human knowledge or endeavor.
  • The space or thing defined by limits.
  • That which terminates a period of time; hence, the period itself; the full time or extent.
  • A restriction; a check; a curb; a hindrance.
  • A determining feature; a distinguishing characteristic; a differentia.
  • A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent.
  • To apply a limit to, or set a limit for; to terminate, circumscribe, or restrict, by a limit or limits; as, to limit the acreage of a crop; to limit the issue of paper money; to limit one's ambitions or aspirations; to limit the meaning of a word.
  • To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region; as, a limiting friar.
  • Extent of dimensions; size; -- applied to things that have length, breath, and thickness.
  • That which has one or more of the three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness.
  • Anything of which greater or less can be predicated, as time, weight, force, and the like.
  • Greatness; grandeur.
  • Greatness, in reference to influence or effect; importance; as, an affair of magnitude.
  • A punting pole with a broad flange near the end to prevent it from sinking into the mud; a setting pole.
  • A homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables, in general containing only positive integral powers of the variables, and called quadric, cubic, quartic, etc., according as it is of the second, third, fourth, fifth, or a higher degree. These are further called binary, ternary, quaternary, etc., according as they contain two, three, four, or more variables; thus, the quantic / is a binary cubic.
  • Modification by a reference to quantity; the introduction of the element of quantity.
  • Relating to quantity.
  • of Quantity
  • To modify or qualify with respect to quantity; to fix or express the quantity of; to rate.
  • The attribute of being so much, and not more or less; the property of being measurable, or capable of increase and decrease, multiplication and division; greatness; and more concretely, that which answers the question "How much?"; measure in regard to bulk or amount; determinate or comparative dimensions; measure; amount; bulk; extent; size.
  • The extent or extension of a general conception, that is, the number of species or individuals to which it may be applied; also, its content or comprehension, that is, the number of its constituent qualities, attributes, or relations.
  • The measure of a syllable; that which determines the time in which it is pronounced; as, the long or short quantity of a vowel or syllable.
  • The relative duration of a tone.
  • That which can be increased, diminished, or measured; especially (Math.), anything to which mathematical processes are applicable.
  • A determinate or estimated amount; a sum or bulk; a certain portion or part; sometimes, a considerable amount; a large portion, bulk, or sum; as, a medicine taken in quantities, that is, in large quantities.
  • Valence.
  • Of or pertaining to quantivalence.
  • The dish of a balance; hence, the balance itself; an instrument or machine for weighing; as, to turn the scale; -- chiefly used in the plural when applied to the whole instrument or apparatus for weighing. Also used figuratively.
  • The sign or constellation Libra.
  • To weigh or measure according to a scale; to measure; also, to grade or vary according to a scale or system.
  • One of the small, thin, membranous, bony or horny pieces which form the covering of many fishes and reptiles, and some mammals, belonging to the dermal part of the skeleton, or dermoskeleton. See Cycloid, Ctenoid, and Ganoid.
  • Hence, any layer or leaf of metal or other material, resembling in size and thinness the scale of a fish; as, a scale of iron, of bone, etc.
  • One of the small scalelike structures covering parts of some invertebrates, as those on the wings of Lepidoptera and on the body of Thysanura; the elytra of certain annelids. See Lepidoptera.
  • A scale insect. (See below.)
  • A small appendage like a rudimentary leaf, resembling the scales of a fish in form, and often in arrangement; as, the scale of a bud, of a pine cone, and the like. The name is also given to the chaff on the stems of ferns.
  • The thin metallic side plate of the handle of a pocketknife. See Illust. of Pocketknife.
  • An incrustation deposit on the inside of a vessel in which water is heated, as a steam boiler.
  • The thin oxide which forms on the surface of iron forgings. It consists essentially of the magnetic oxide, Fe3O4. Also, a similar coating upon other metals.
  • To strip or clear of scale or scales; as, to scale a fish; to scale the inside of a boiler.
  • To take off in thin layers or scales, as tartar from the teeth; to pare off, as a surface.
  • To scatter; to spread.
  • To clean, as the inside of a cannon, by the explosion of a small quantity of powder.
  • To separate and come off in thin layers or laminae; as, some sandstone scales by exposure.
  • To separate; to scatter.
  • A ladder; a series of steps; a means of ascending.
  • Hence, anything graduated, especially when employed as a measure or rule, or marked by lines at regular intervals.
  • A mathematical instrument, consisting of a slip of wood, ivory, or metal, with one or more sets of spaces graduated and numbered on its surface, for measuring or laying off distances, etc., as in drawing, plotting, and the like. See Gunter's scale.
  • A series of spaces marked by lines, and representing proportionately larger distances; as, a scale of miles, yards, feet, etc., for a map or plan.
  • A basis for a numeral system; as, the decimal scale; the binary scale, etc.
  • The graduated series of all the tones, ascending or descending, from the keynote to its octave; -- called also the gamut. It may be repeated through any number of octaves. See Chromatic scale, Diatonic scale, Major scale, and Minor scale, under Chromatic, Diatonic, Major, and Minor.
  • Gradation; succession of ascending and descending steps and degrees; progressive series; scheme of comparative rank or order; as, a scale of being.
  • Relative dimensions, without difference in proportion of parts; size or degree of the parts or components in any complex thing, compared with other like things; especially, the relative proportion of the linear dimensions of the parts of a drawing, map, model, etc., to the dimensions of the corresponding parts of the object that is represented; as, a map on a scale of an inch to a mile.
  • To climb by a ladder, or as if by a ladder; to ascend by steps or by climbing; to clamber up; as, to scale the wall of a fort.
  • To lead up by steps; to ascend.
  • Six.
  • A thin, weak glue used in various trades, as in painting, bookbinding, paper making, etc.
  • Any viscous substance, as gilder's varnish.
  • To cover with size; to prepare with size.
  • A settled quantity or allowance. See Assize.
  • An allowance of food and drink from the buttery, aside from the regular dinner at commons; -- corresponding to battel at Oxford.
  • Extent of superficies or volume; bulk; bigness; magnitude; as, the size of a tree or of a mast; the size of a ship or of a rock.
  • Figurative bulk; condition as to rank, ability, character, etc.; as, the office demands a man of larger size.
  • A conventional relative measure of dimension, as for shoes, gloves, and other articles made up for sale.
  • An instrument consisting of a number of perforated gauges fastened together at one end by a rivet, -- used for ascertaining the size of pearls.
  • To fix the standard of.
  • To adjust or arrange according to size or bulk.
  • To take the height of men, in order to place them in the ranks according to their stature.
  • To sift, as pieces of ore or metal, in order to separate the finer from the coarser parts.
  • To swell; to increase the bulk of.
  • To bring or adjust anything exactly to a required dimension, as by cutting.
  • To take greater size; to increase in size.
  • To order food or drink from the buttery; hence, to enter a score, as upon the buttery book.
  • of Size
  • Adjusted according to size.
  • Having a particular size or magnitude; -- chiefly used in compounds; as, large-sized; common-sized.
  • Act of covering or treating with size.
  • A weak glue used in various trades; size.
  • The act of sorting with respect to size.
  • The act of bringing anything to a certain size.
  • Food and drink ordered from the buttery by a student.

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