Meaning of அறிவிப்பாளர் in English
- One who announces.
- One who announces. Specifically: An officer in the church of Constantinople, whose business it was to inform the people of the festivals to be celebrated.
- An indicator (as in a hotel) which designates the room where attendance is wanted.
- A declaimer.
- One who declaims; an haranguer.
- A form of action by which some right or interest is sought to be judicially declared.
- One who makes known or proclaims; that which exhibits.
- One who notices.
- An annotator.
- Lying down, or on the face; prone.
- Lying on the ground, but without putting forth roots; trailing; prostrate; as, a procumbent stem.
Meaning of அறிவிப்பாளர் in English
English usage of அறிவிப்பாளர்
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