Meaning of அறியாமை in English
- Ignobleness.
- Of low birth or family; not noble; not illustrious; plebeian; common; humble.
- Not honorable, elevated, or generous; base.
- Not a true or noble falcon; -- said of certain hawks, as the goshawk.
- To make ignoble.
- State or quality of being ignoble.
- In an ignoble manner; basely.
- We are ignorant; we ignore; -- being the word formerly written on a bill of indictment by a grand jury when there was not sufficient evidence to warrant them in finding it a true bill. The phrase now used is, "No bill," "No true bill," or "Not found," though in some jurisdictions "Ignored" is still used.
- A stupid, ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge; a dunce.
- of Ignoramus
- The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed.
- A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is his duty to have.
- Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened.
- Unacquainted with; unconscious or unaware; -- used with of.
- Unknown; undiscovered.
- Resulting from ignorance; foolish; silly.
- A person untaught or uninformed; one unlettered or unskilled; an ignoramous.
- The spirit of those who extol the advantage to ignorance; obscuriantism.
- One opposed to the diffusion of knowledge; an obscuriantist.
Meaning of அறியாமை in English
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