Meaning of સ્વીકાર્ય in English
- Capable, worthy, or sure of being accepted or received with pleasure; pleasing to a receiver; gratifying; agreeable; welcome; as, an acceptable present, one acceptable to us.
- In an acceptable manner; in a manner to please or give satisfaction.
- Accepting; receiving.
- An accepter.
- Fit for acceptance.
- Ready to accept.
- An acetabulum; or about one eighth of a pint.
- Capable of being adapted.
- Entitled to be admitted, or worthy of being admitted; that may be allowed or conceded; allowable; as, the supposition is hardly admissible.
- Implying an admission; tending to admit.
- Admissible.
- Capable of being adopted.
- To scribble over.
- of Espouse
- Such as may be received; receivable.
Meaning of સ્વીકાર્ય in English
English usage of સ્વીકાર્ય
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