Meaning of સાવચેતી in English
- Quality or state of being careful.
- The use or application of a caustic; cautery.
- A burning or searing, as of morbid flesh, with a hot iron, or by application of a caustic that will burn, corrode, or destroy animal tissue.
- The iron of other agent in cauterizing.
- The quality of being cautious.
- Want of caution.
- Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent mischief or secure good; as, his life was saved by precaution.
- A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success; a precautionary act; as, to take precautions against accident.
- To warn or caution beforehand.
- To take precaution against.
- Precautionary.
- Of or pertaining to precaution, or precautions; as, precautionary signals.
- The act of regaling; anything which regales; refreshment; entertainment.
- A California composite plant (Layia platyglossa), the flower of which has yellow rays tipped with white.
Meaning of સાવચેતી in English
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