Meaning of શોધક in English
- A substance added to a medicine to mollify or modify its action.
- One who discovers; one who first comes to the knowledge of something; one who discovers an unknown country, or a new principle, truth, or fact.
- A scout; an explorer.
- To part in two; to sever thoroughly; to sunder; to disunite; to separate; to disperse.
- To part; to separate.
- One who, or that which, finds; specifically (Astron.), a small telescope of low power and large field of view, attached to a larger telescope, for the purpose of finding an object more readily.
- Full of invention.
- One who invents.
- One who invents or finds out something new; a contriver; especially, one who invents mechanical devices.
- A woman who invents.
- One who sifts or bolts.
- A searce, or sieve.
- One who, or that which, searhes or examines; a seeker; an inquirer; an examiner; a trier.
- Formerly, an officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death.
- An officer of the customs whose business it is to search ships, merchandise, luggage, etc.
- An inspector of leather.
- An instrument for examining the bore of a cannon, to detect cavities.
- An implement for sampling butter; a butter trier.
- An instrument for feeling after calculi in the bladder, etc.
Meaning of શોધક in English
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