Meaning of શિકારી in English
- Alt. of Concentre
- That branch of geometry which treats of the cone and the curves which arise from its sections.
- Conic sections.
- One who decries.
- Having sword-shaped leaves, or appendages; ensiform.
- Alt. of Fusilier
- Originally, a nickname for a member of the conservative section of the Democratic party in New York; hence, one opposed to progress in general; a fogy.
- Excessive conservatism; hostility to progress.
- A covetous, sordid man; a miser; a niggard.
- One who hunts wild animals either for sport or for food; a huntsman.
- A dog that scents game, or is trained to the chase; a hunting dog.
- A horse used in the chase; especially, a thoroughbred, bred and trained for hunting.
- One who hunts or seeks after anything, as if for game; as, a fortune hunter a place hunter.
- A kind of spider. See Hunting spider, under Hunting.
- A hunting watch, or one of which the crystal is protected by a metallic cover.
- Discovered or described by John Hunter, an English surgeon; as, the Hunterian chancre. See Chancre.
- A woman who hunts or follows the chase; as, the huntress Diana.
- One who hunts, or who practices hunting.
- The person whose office it is to manage the chase or to look after the hounds.
- One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying tissues may protrude or roots may issue, either in the air, or more commonly when the stem or branch is covered with water or earth.
- A small, lens-shaped gland on the under side of some leaves.
- In a predatory manner.
- Characterized by plundering; practicing rapine; plundering; pillaging; as, a predatory excursion; a predatory party.
- Hungry; ravenous; as, predatory spirits.
- Living by preying upon other animals; carnivorous.
- A sportsman; esp., a native hunter.
- Suctorial.
Meaning of શિકારી in English
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