Meaning of શારીરિક in English
- of Bode
- Portentous; ominous.
- Wearing a bodice.
- Having a body; -- usually in composition; as, able-bodied.
- of Body
- Having no body.
- Without material form; incorporeal.
- Having a body or material form; physical; corporeal; consisting of matter.
- Of or pertaining to the body, in distinction from the mind.
- Real; actual; put in execution.
- Corporeally; in bodily form; united with a body or matter; in the body.
- In respect to, or so as to affect, the entire body or mass; entirely; all at once; completely; as, to carry away bodily. "Leapt bodily below."
- Of or pertaining to the body or its appetites; animal; fleshly; sensual; given to sensual indulgence; lustful; human or worldly as opposed to spiritual.
- Flesh-devouring; cruel; ravenous; bloody.
- According to the flesh, to the world, or to human nature; in a manner to gratify animal appetites and lusts; sensually.
- A noncommissioned officer, next below a sergeant. In the United States army he is the lowest noncommissioned officer in a company of infantry. He places and relieves sentinels.
- Belonging or relating to the body; bodily.
- Having a body or substance; not spiritual; material. In this sense now usually written corporeal.
- Alt. of Corporale
- A fine linen cloth, on which the sacred elements are consecrated in the eucharist, or with which they are covered; a communion cloth.
- Having a body; consisting of, or pertaining to, a material body or substance; material; -- opposed to spiritual or immaterial.
- Pertaining to, or composed of, corpuscles, or small particles.
- Corpuscular.
- An adherent of the corpuscular philosophy.
- Of or pertaining to the flesh; corporeal.
- Animal; not/vegetable.
- Human; not celestial; not spiritual or divine.
- Carnal; wordly; lascivious.
- In a fleshly manner; carnally; lasciviously.
- The art of healing diseases; the science of medicine; the theory or practice of medicine.
- A specific internal application for the cure or relief of sickness; a remedy for disease; a medicine.
- Specifically, a medicine that purges; a cathartic.
- A physician.
- To treat with physic or medicine; to administer medicine to, esp. a cathartic; to operate on as a cathartic; to purge.
- To work on as a remedy; to heal; to cure.
- Of or pertaining to nature (as including all created existences); in accordance with the laws of nature; also, of or relating to natural or material things, or to the bodily structure, as opposed to things mental, moral, spiritual, or imaginary; material; natural; as, armies and navies are the physical force of a nation; the body is the physical part of man.
- Of or pertaining to physics, or natural philosophy; treating of, or relating to, the causes and connections of natural phenomena; as, physical science; physical laws.
- Perceptible through a bodily or material organization; cognizable by the senses; external; as, the physical, opposed to chemical, characters of a mineral.
- Of or pertaining to physic, or the art of medicine; medicinal; curative; healing; also, cathartic; purgative.
- In a physical manner; according to the laws of nature or physics; by physical force; not morally.
- According to the rules of medicine.
- Of or pertaining to physicologic.
- One of the followers of Quesnay of France, who, in the 18th century, founded a system of political economy based upon the supremacy of natural order.
- Of or pertaining to physiognomy; according with the principles of physiognomy.
- Of or pertaining to physiology; relating to the science of the functions of living organism; as, physiological botany or chemistry.
- The natural constitution, or physical structure, of a person.
- Of or pertaining to stamens or stamina; consisting in stamens.
Meaning of શારીરિક in English
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