Meaning of વિરોધાભાસ in English
- The quality of being antic.
- An opposition or contrast of words or sentiments occurring in the same sentence; as, "The prodigal robs his heir; the miser robs himself." "He had covertly shot at Cromwell; he how openly aimed at the Queen."
- The second of two clauses forming an antithesis.
- Opposition; contrast.
- A vassal or voluntary follower of Frankish princes in their enterprises
- See Contortion.
- Capability of being contracted; quality of being contractible; as, the contractibility and dilatability of air.
- A dance in which the partners are arranged face to face, or in opposite lines.
- To assert the contrary of; to oppose in words; to take issue with; to gainsay; to deny the truth of, as of a statement or a speaker; to impugn.
- To be contrary to; to oppose; to resist.
- To oppose in words; to gainsay; to deny, or assert the contrary of, something.
- An assertion of the contrary to what has been said or affirmed; denial of the truth of a statement or assertion; contrary declaration; gainsaying.
- Direct opposition or repugnancy; inconsistency; incongruity or contrariety; one who, or that which, is inconsistent.
- Filled with contradictions; inconsistent.
- Inclined to contradict or cavil
- The quality of being contradictory; opposition; inconsistency.
- Distinction by contrast.
- An outer wall.
- The state or quality of being contrary; opposition; repugnance; disagreement; antagonism.
- Something which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, something else; an inconsistency.
- state or quality of being contrary; opposition; inconsistency; contrariety; perverseness; obstinacy.
- Circular motion in a direction contrary to some other circular motion.
- To stand in opposition; to exhibit difference, unlikeness, or opposition of qualities.
- To set in opposition, or over against, in order to show the differences between, or the comparative excellences and defects of; to compare by difference or contrariety of qualities; as, to contrast the present with the past.
- To give greater effect to, as to a figure or other object, by putting it in some relation of opposition to another figure or object.
- The act of contrasting, or the state of being contrasted; comparison by contrariety of qualities.
- Opposition or dissimilitude of things or qualities; unlikeness, esp. as shown by juxtaposition or comparison.
- The opposition of varied forms, colors, etc., which by such juxtaposition more vividly express each other's peculiarities.
- A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.
- A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.
- A species of Dorstenia (D. Contrayerva), a South American plant, the aromatic root of which is sometimes used in medicine as a gentle stimulant and tonic.
- The act of opening an academical disputation; the proposition of objections to a tenet, as an exercise for a degree.
- The quality or state of being opposite.
- Opposition.
- A tenet or proposition contrary to received opinion; an assertion or sentiment seemingly contradictory, or opposed to common sense; that which in appearance or terms is absurd, but yet may be true in fact.
- of Paradox
- A genus of large trilobites characteristic of the primordial formations.
- The use of paradoxes.
- Any species of Paradoxurus, a genus of Asiatic viverrine mammals allied to the civet, as the musang, and the luwack or palm cat (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). See Musang.
- A paradoxical statement; a paradox.
- The quality or state of being paradoxical.
- The state of being parochial.
- Same as Parrakeet.
Meaning of વિરોધાભાસ in English
English usage of વિરોધાભાસ
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