Meaning of વિખેરવું in English
- The act of deterging or cleansing, as a sore.
- To melt; to dissolve; to thaw.
- Freedom or relief from impediment or perplexity.
- of Disembogue
- Insanity; folly.
- To unfrock.
- of Disherit
- To free from bitterness.
- To cut off from an inheritance or from hereditary succession; to prevent, as an heir, from coming into possession of any property or right, which, by law or custom, would devolve on him in the course of descent.
- To deprive of heritage; to dispossess.
- The act of disinheriting, or the condition of being; disinherited; disherison.
- of Disinherit
- To take out of the grave or tomb; to unbury; to exhume; to dig up.
- To bring out, as from a grave or hiding place; to bring from obscurity into view.
- of Disinter
- To strip or deprive of dress; to divest.
- To strip of furniture and equipments, guns, etc.; to unrig; to strip of walls or outworks; to break down; as, to dismantle a fort, a town, or a ship.
- To disable; to render useless.
- of Dismantle
- To march away.
- To drive away by scattering, or so to cause to vanish; to clear away; to banish; to dissipate; as, to dispel a cloud, vapors, cares, doubts, illusions.
- of Dispeople
- To sprinkle.
- To scatter; to sprinkle.
- The act or result of dispersing or scattering; dispersion.
- of Disperse
- To make unlike a prince.
- To disburse.
- Comparison or illustration by contraries.
- See Dispirit.
- of Distend
- Separated by bounds.
Meaning of વિખેરવું in English
English usage of વિખેરવું
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