Meaning of વાતચીત in English
- The quality of being communicable; capability of being imparted.
- Capable of being communicated, or imparted; as, a communicable disease; communicable knowledge.
- Communicative; free-speaking.
- of Communicate
- The act or fact of communicating; as, communication of smallpox; communication of a secret.
- Intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence.
- Association; company.
- Means of communicating; means of passing from place to place; a connecting passage; connection.
- That which is communicated or imparted; intelligence; news; a verbal or written message.
- Participation in the Lord's supper.
- A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you.
- The quality of being communicative.
- Imparting knowledge or information.
- of Commune
- Qualified for conversation; disposed to converse; sociable; free in discourse.
- The quality of being conversable; disposition to converse; sociability.
- Conversance
- General course of conduct; behavior.
- Familiar intercourse; intimate fellowship or association; close acquaintance.
- Commerce; intercourse; traffic.
- Colloquial discourse; oral interchange of sentiments and observations; informal dialogue.
- Sexual intercourse; as, criminal conversation.
- Pertaining to conversation; in the manner of one conversing; as, a conversational style.
- A word or phrase used in conversation; a colloquialism.
- Relating to intercourse with men; social; -- opposed to contemplative.
- A meeting or assembly for conversation, particularly on literary or scientific subjects.
- of Conversazi-one
- of Converse
- A placing or coming between; interposition.
Meaning of વાતચીત in English
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