Meaning of વરસાદ in English
- A sudden or headlong fall.
- A headlong steep; a very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging place; an abrupt declivity; a cliff.
- of Precipitate
- The act of precipitating, or the state of being precipitated, or thrown headlong.
- A falling, flowing, or rushing downward with violence and rapidity.
- Great hurry; rash, tumultuous haste; impetuosity.
- The act or process of precipitating from a solution.
- Reign.
- Water falling in drops from the clouds; the descent of water from the clouds in drops.
- To fall in drops from the clouds, as water; -- used mostly with it for a nominative; as, it rains.
- To fall or drop like water from the clouds; as, tears rained from their eyes.
- To pour or shower down from above, like rain from the clouds.
- To bestow in a profuse or abundant manner; as, to rain favors upon a person.
- A fall or descent of rain; the water, or amount of water, that falls in rain; as, the average annual rainfall of a region.
- The state of being rainy.
- of Rain
Meaning of વરસાદ in English
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