Meaning of મૂળ in English
- A body of individuals; an assemblage.
- A miner's underground working time or shift.
- A Hebrew dry measure; a cor or homer.
- The heart or inner part of a thing, as of a column, wall, rope, of a boil, etc.; especially, the central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds; as, the core of an apple or quince.
- The center or inner part, as of an open space; as, the core of a square.
- The most important part of a thing; the essence; as, the core of a subject.
- The prtion of a mold which shapes the interior of a cylinder, tube, or other hollow casting, or which makes a hole in or through a casting; a part of the mold, made separate from and inserted in it, for shaping some part of the casting, the form of which is not determined by that of the pattern.
- A disorder of sheep occasioned by worms in the liver.
- The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals.
- To take out the core or inward parts of; as, to core an apple.
- To form by means of a core, as a hole in a casting.
- The first existence or beginning of anything; the birth.
- That from which anything primarily proceeds; the fountain; the spring; the cause; the occasion.
- The point of attachment or end of a muscle which is fixed during contraction; -- in contradistinction to insertion.
- Capable of being originated.
- Pertaining to the origin or beginning; preceding all others; first in order; primitive; primary; pristine; as, the original state of man; the original laws of a country; the original inventor of a process.
- Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine; as, an original thought; an original process; the original text of Scripture.
- Having the power to suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought; inventive; as, an original genius.
- Before unused or unknown; new; as, a book full of original matter.
- Origin; commencement; source.
- That which precedes all others of its class; archetype; first copy; hence, an original work of art, manuscript, text, and the like, as distinguished from a copy, translation, etc.
- An original thinker or writer; an originator.
- A person of marked eccentricity.
- The natural or wild species from which a domesticated or cultivated variety has been derived; as, the wolf is thought by some to be the original of the dog, the blackthorn the original of the plum.
- In the original time, or in an original manner; primarily; from the beginning or origin; not by derivation, or imitation.
- At first; at the origin; at the time of formation or costruction; as, a book originally written by another hand.
- Causing existence; productive.
- Primitive; primary; original.
- Originating; original.
- of Originate
- Having power, or tending, to originate, or bring into existence; originating.
- One who, or that which, roots; one that tears up by the roots.
- A pile of roots, set with plants, mosses, etc., and used as an ornamental object in gardening.
- of Root
- Full of roots; as, rooty ground.
Meaning of મૂળ in English
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